~Update on OBS Camp - Pulau Ubin~- this will be a very long post! -Friday - 12/12/08woke up at 5am plus cos the group is meeting 730am at puggol..
then 1h travel time, and i tot early morning train will have seat de...
but who knows, i only manage to grab a sit when i was at ard newton??
and my bag is super heavy with 2 track shoe on hand..
then reach puggol met up with the rest, wait for some others and took bus to puggol jetty..
ard 9am reach pulau ubin, OBS campsite..
then breifing, intro of our instructor, Lois and Lishan..
Lois is my grp de instructor..
then play some ice-breaking games and walk around the campsite..
then to our bunk, stores and breifing on the outfield equipment..
Lunch was nt tat bad, after lunch we learn how to pitch tent, play some games..
then the day starts..
first start of with "Trust Fall" whereby ur teammates will hold a large canvas sheet below and u will stand on a step i dunno how tall but is higher then 1m..
then u gotta laid back and fall onto the canvas...
quite scary at first but the feeling is "shiok"..
abit like commit suicide..
then after tat is belaying then to the high elements..
then dinner time, first aid breifing, clean up and off to bed..
Saturday - 13/12/08wake up at 5am and pack our stuff for our outfield..
play some game(morning exercise)..
then had our morning circle, abit like summarize wat we have done and like reflections la..
then breakfast, pack up all the stuff and then our instructor, Lois taught us how to read map and use compass...
then some breifing, and i was expedition leader of my grp then we work with another grp de leaders then decide on the route, pit stop then measuring the distance..
and our trekking begins..
we trek 4.2km and i carried the 6 mens tents..
is like super heavy loh..
then trek to our distination had our lunch - bread and biscuits..
then we change our clothes behind the bushes..
then prepare the stuff, our instructor taught us how to tie nod for the raft..
and we build out raft..
did rafting..
super fun, maybe can consider wat we enjoy most throughout the 3 days..
cool water, and the water is rain water loh nt sea water..
after rafting, we move our bag to our campsite..
clear all the ants as our back pack is full of ants cos we left some food unattended when we go rafting..
then our campsite is like an empty area of land with sand and rocks, surrounded with bushes..
then we build our tents, and our instructors taught us how to cook in open field..
then we all, the hearing voluntors are kind enough to cook for our hearing impaired frens..
in the end we only had our dinner at 10pm++ whereby they are all taking photos, enjoying themselves..
*poor us*but we have them to wash our mess tin for us and the pots..
hahah =D
then de-breif and off for the nite..
i think i'll nv forgot tat nite de..
becos when i slp, 1st time i woke up by an ants biting my hand..
ok fine, nvm..
then i cannot slp peacefully..
Sunday - 14/12/08until ard 4am++ i feel something on my hand..
so i swept it off then i feel something round round de on the ground..
then i feel it, it was hard and coil up..
in the state of eye closing, half slp half awake i try uncoil the thing..
and i feel it again its is hard..
then i dun care i just put it away..
then i open my eyes..
i saw the thing crawling!!!
then i immediatly jump up and ask ah ya(my teammates) wake up..
i forgot she oso short sighted..
so both of us look for our spect then i told her the whole thing but we didnt saw the milipede again..
then ain(my another teammates) wake up and fal back asleep..
so i was like ok nvm, but the tot of the milipede is like..
i faster run our of my tent then stay outside..
then duno is ah ya or wan sin(my another teammates) wanna go toilet..
so we all 3 go together settle our small business in the bush..
then after tat ard 5am we go back the tents took our stuff and wash up..
then when we keep our things back, wan sin move the bag pack ard and we found the milipede..
then she throw the milipede out of the tent and ah ya throw it in the bush..
then after awhile it starts to rain so we wear the super smelly poncho and then pack the stuff..
it becomes super heavy when i was wet loh..
so we trek back with the extra heavy backpack and wearing the smelly poncho..
and i gt super lots of ants bite cos of the poncho..
when we are back to our campsite we are all damn tired and ache over the body..
then unpack and wash the stuff..
do checking then finally clean up, lunch, de-breif and back home..

Our Instructor - Lishan, Lois and In charge - Yvonne
didnt mange to get the photos during rafting and activties after rafting cos is with another photographer =(